I have recently been trying REALLY hard to take better care of my nails, as I can never be bothered to paint them as its such a vagina ache to prepare and paint and sit doing nothing while they dry then they smudge and crack anyway and arghh just no!
I then went through a phase of wearing fake nails as it was sooo much easier just to stick some on, than do all the previous mentioned, and they would actually look alright for a brief period. That span has unfortunately resulted in my nails being 10x worse so I am trying to ween myself off them
For this look I have used:
What I love about these No7 polishes is the fact that the brush is wide and flat (instead of circular) and the bristles don't feel like that cheap plastic type that tend to leave scratch marks as you paint (I realise its clear, but this way the colour doesn't sink into the scratches!)
Both the No7 polishes price up at £6 each, however there is normally always some sort of No7 offer on. When i bought these it was buy 1 get the 2nd half price, I also then had a £3 off voucher so I got the pair for £6! Extreme Value for money there!
: Primark Nails Wraps
I bought these originally as an experiment however I have fallen in love with them and make my life so much easier! These work really well for me, when I have applied them previously they have lasted about a week, although the pattern starts to fade after about 2 days. (Although I have recommended them to a few people and they just haven't worked the same, some of my friends have said they applied them in the evening, went to bed and woke up the next morning and they had all peeled off in the night) So I guess It just depends on your nail beds etc, but at £1 for 20 foils, I would suggest a 'try' and if they're not right for you, nothing lost!
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